2022-11-02 – Minute of meeting
Date: 2nd November 2022, 7pm.
Due to be ratified on 7th December
1.11 Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest
Present: Sheila Gibb, Norman Catto, Robert Turnbull, Disney Barlow, Marc Fletcher, Joy Snape (Notes), Councillors Jenny Linehan, John Paton Day
Apologies: Councillor David Parker, Cora Younger
There were no conflicts of interest noted.
2.11 Adoption of Minutes
October Minutes proposed by Robert, seconded by Disney.
3.11 Matters Arising/Actions from Previous meeting not covered under Agenda Items
Sheila wrote re National Park development noted, CC to keep proposals under discussion: Discharged
4.11 Police Report
Report circulated; no queries raised.
CC welcomed Ian Porter, Community Police Officer, who explained how to keep in contact via email with himself and the team. Discussion around the litter problem in the High Street and he will let the school link officer, Lee Harper, know.
Action: Sheila to reissue the contact email addresses to CC.
5.11 Correspondence Received
All items had been circulated and noted.
Jenny, Executive Member of Environment and Transport, explained that as many people as possible were needed to complete the online SBC Bus Network Review being carried out over the year also via newspapers, social media and consultations. She asked CC to raise any issues direct.
6.11 Reports
6.11.1 Planning
Two applications received, Cora had shared her thoughts for discussion.
2/01609/LBC | Single storey extension to dwellinghouse | Fluthers Cottage
CC agreed and supported the extension.
Action: Cora to write accordingly to SBC Planning
222/01481/FUL | Extension to shop to form managers dwellinghouse / land north of Premier Earlston
CC endorsed positive local investment however raised concerns over the build including quality of living accommodation; development on the site and yard, impact on neighbours, access, traffic management in an already narrow, busy road
As there was no supporting documentation, more details needed before making a formal response.
Action: Cora to advise SBC of concerns, make formal representation before the deadline.
6.11.2 Treasurer
£4868 in the account including ringfenced monies, the Lottery project spend has been completed.
6.11.3 Earlston in Bloom
Planters filled with winter bedding, shrubs/perennials in borders: some bought and some donated.
Dr McDonald has kindly agreed to store plants over winter in her greenhouse.
Ballantyne Nursery donated the yellow pansies in the lavender beds as an introduction and Bloom plan to use the nursery in 2023 for bedding and hanging basket planting.
500 crocuses will be planted, work sessions and autumn tidy up in the community areas continue.
4 members attended Keep Scotland Beautiful presentation at SBCHQ.
SBHA have cut the hedge at Church Brae.
Quote for Bellevue work still not received from landscaping company.
Co-op Good Cause has finished, £979 online, final amount won’t be known until later in the month.
The Friends of Thomas the Rhymer group had donated £20 for planting and help at The Green.
Gravel laid to improve the school garden surface, final items from the grant are on order.
Seating for the outdoor classroom, partly financed by a bake sale which raised £188, and compost bins for Bloom. £50 was donated for metal supports from the old polytunnel.
Festive Foliage is being planned; Marc liaising with the Primary and Bloom will have a session with the young people. The church hall is booked for volunteers and all bunches will be up before the Christmas Lights switch on. A Christmas get together for Bloomers is being planned.
6.11.4 Resilience
4 volunteers from Resilience team will help steward the Remembrance Day parade.
Review and membership updates are almost complete, with only four standing down and telephone list is being updated then checked. Marc contacted Emergency Planning but they are short staffed.
Action: Marc to forward draft telephone list to Sheila.
6.11.5 Earlston Community Action Plan (ECAP) / Placemaking
Cora, Sam and Sheila met to discuss developing a new website. It’s hoped this would be in place by March with ongoing costs to absorb in future plus current spend on domain name.
Dog mess:
Cora sourced stencil and spray to deter dog mess with CC agreeing to purchase both A1 and A4 stencils, the larger will be visible and useful in open areas like playgrounds.
Cycling infrastructure:
Marc and Sheila met SBC staff to scope bike stand locations, for residents and visitors.
The High School advised a need for cycle storage for pupils and staff.
SBC funding is available, must include community consultation and can be progressed in stages. Jenny would like to be in the loop.
Action: Sheila and Marc to sound out possible local sites with clubs etc.
Action: Jenny to contact the High School.
SBC Placemaking:
Kenny Harrow from SBC met with CC to explain and discuss the Place Making strategy.
A useful meeting with helpful information and CC discussion around starting Community Conversations in 2023, possibly the return of Community Action Plan newsletter.
BT Phone Box:
BT had replied to CC complaint about the lack of maintenance but taken no action.
Action: Sheila to email again, pursue cleaning and maintenance.
High School Litter:
Sheila has written to the Head Teacher, Jill McDonald.
Marc will speak to Kevin Wilson at the Primary about litter picks when visiting the school.
6.11.6 Eildon Area Partnership (EAP)
Nothing to report.
7.11 New Primary School
Morrison, the contractor, published their first Newsletter, sent to CC who shared it online.
8.11 Eildon Housing Development
Update received that work is on schedule and progressing.
Cruden, building contractors, painted the War memorial railings as a Community Benefit.
SBC have contacted CC to agree names for the 2 new streets.
9.11 Community Council Co-opted Membership
No applications received and no CC member approached for information.
10.11 Update on Local Issues Raised with SBC: See table
Two more people were stuck in the public loo, reported to C Blackie.
11.11 Winter Resilience/Cost of Living Crisis
David confirmed SBC were not planning a What Matters Hub in Earlston at the moment.
Sheila questioned why Stow was added: difficult for Earlston residents to reach by public transport.
12.11 Reading Room Books
CC is visiting Jedburgh storage site with Jenny next Tuesday.
13.11 Any Other Business
CC approached by the High School about a Christmas memory tree on the Green.
Agreed this might be difficult given the lack of space and no pupils to maintain it during the holidays.
Action: Sheila to reply to the school.
Norman advised CC that he had received a donation for a local hardship fund.
CC agreed he would explain there was no specific fund and learn more about the donors’ wishes.
Joy was meeting Judith Cleghorn, Chair of Galashiels CC, to learn about plans at the Focus Centre to create a warm space once a week. The feedback will help local planning.
Action: Norman to visit the residents
Action: Joy to feedback from meeting with Judith Cleghorn.
10.11 Local issues raised with SBC
Outstanding Actions as at October CC meeting
Action to Be Taken | By | |||
Public loo/bus stance | As at 15 July | |||
1 | Black steel stands at bus stance: One bent, all rusted | Blacksmith to repair and repaint | SBC/C Blackie | Stand repaired No painting |
2 | Ancient notices Grubby notice board | Remove notices, clean metal board, provide clear instructions on who and how to contact SBC when there are access problems | SBC/C Blackie | No Action |
The Square | ||||
3 | White parking bay lines faded outside Pharmacy | Confirm ownership, paint | SBC Roads | No Action |
Road Signs | ||||
4 | Signs requested: Haughhead Road Huntshaw, Mill Road Jaynefield, Rodgers Place | Taken forward as Small Scheme Update: Order raised for external Painter to re-paint metal, cast signs: no timescale. Raising order for new signs. | SBC/C Blackie | Update 16 September |
5 | Station Road | |||
Sight lines blocked by overgrown hedging | Hedge needs cut: correct section not removed. | SBC | Discharged |
Next meeting: Wednesday 7th December 2022
Chair/ Secretary
Sheila Gibb
01896 849663
Vice Chair:
Joy Snape
01896 848113
Robert Turnbull
01896 848515