230301 ECC Minute of meeting on Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 7 p.m
Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest Present: Sheila Gibb, Chair, Joy Snape, Vice Chair, Robert Turnbull, Treasurer, Disney Barlow, Norman Catto, Marc Fletcher, Cora Younger, Councillors David Parker, Jenny Linehan, Mhari Woods, Chair Friends of Earlston Primary School (part), 1 member of the public Apologies: Steven Renwick SBC No conflicts of interest noted. |
Adoption of Minutes February Minutes proposed by Marc, seconded by Norman. |
Matters Arising/Actions not covered under Agenda Items What arrangements are being made for residents to take part in Transport Review if not online. How are they being included and will there be a consultation event locally. Jenny understands the consultation was only online but will ask again Action: Jenny to confirm SBC arrangements. |
Police Report February Report not yet received. Action: Sheila to circulate. |
Correspondence Received Items circulated and noted.Scottish Borders Walking Festival 2024 – 2026 Action: Sheila to contact Lauderdale CC for views on joint working. |
Reports |
Planning Nothing to report. |
Treasurer Nothing to report. Norman has advised Red Lion the accounts close at end March, contribution outstanding. CC needs a new scrutineer for the annual examination of Accounts. Action: Sheila to approach D Mitchell |
Earlston in BloomCC discussed Bloom holding a funding appeal this year.Agreed to go ahead, recognising the impact of the cost of living on residents and businesses. Bloom meets on 15 March: work needed includes replacement plants, volunteers have planted more snowdrops opposite the rugby club. |
Resilience Sheila and Marc meet tomorrow to explore opportunities and group networking. |
Earlston Community Action Plan (ECAP) / Placemaking Sundial: Returned to site and being included in CC’s insurance policy. SBHA: Bellevue improvements completed.Trees still to be topped at Hope Knowe corner and groundworks enhanced. CC have been invited to join staff on their regular visits. Website: CC thanked Cora for work on the replacement site which she shared, having posted it live on the internet. The core information will have more added e.g., photos, Bloom, local Groups and perhaps Resilience. There is also an events page for community use. Action: Cora to send link to CC, members to contribute as needed. Cycling infrastructure: Earlston to Leaderfoot off road route: Councillor Parker informed CC SBC have met with the Care Home and work was progressing on agreeing the remaining section. The Chair expressed disappointment in the wait. Note: Many people use Section 1, the pavement, since opening in 2018, similarly Section 2, the old A68, since 2019. The route was first discussed in 2008, followed by community consultation and reinforced in feedback given for the 2018 Community Action Plan. Infrastructure: Sheila and Marc are meeting SBC this month to progress cycle stands. Stow Cycle Hub have confirmed they’ll come to Earlston on 16th April for a Bike Repair session and bring Ebikes so people can have a try on one. SBC Placemaking: Nothing to report. Cora has agreed to lead locally, including holding Community Conversations to help review, revise and update information in the 2018 Action Plan. Action: Cora to arrange meeting with SBC Primary School:Friends of EPS Chair joined meeting to discuss issues they and CC had raised last month. 1 Market Operators Licence: SBC asking for payment when holding fundraising events. 2 Pavement gritting: Request SBC grit the full Safe Route pavement, treacherous to use. 3 Safe Route to School Crossing: SBC address concerns about lack of a supervised crossing point on the busy High Street which many pupils now use, avoiding the narrow pavement. Action: Councillor Parker will raise the concerns with SBC officers. School Defibrillator: Marc confirmed it remains at the closed school reception entrance. Action: Sheila to raise with Steven Renwick, as part of the new build’s interim arrangements. Friends of Earlston Primary School Event:CC had been approached by the Friends of Earlston Primary School to explore partnership working on their proposal to hold a fun family event for all residents during the Coronation Weekend in May. SBC later announced the King’s Coronation Fund with funding requests due by 12th April. All CCs can apply up to a maximum of £500. Mhari outlined early plans for Sunday 7th May and confirmed the Rugby Club had agreed use of the field area. They included residents bringing their own picnics and gazebos, making bunting and taking part in games as well as active involvement from local groups. Discussion around use of clubhouse, porta loos, insurance and donations from businesses. Norman suggested The Bakehouse might help: they’d offered to for the VE celebration being planned pre Covid, Joy advised avoiding a bouncy castle which might dominate attention. Costs can’t yet be quantified but may include insurance, loo and seat hire, printing, cheap picnic blankets to ensure equity with no families left out because of the cost of living. Planning will continue with report back and decision on any funding application at April CC. M Woods left the meeting. |
Eildon Area Partnership (EAP) Nothing to report. |
New Primary School Nothing to report. |
Eildon Housing Development. Cora, Marc and Sheila had visited the site and seen the first properties under construction. The cold weather had impacted on progress but works were now back on track. Joy, Marc and Sheila held a useful meeting with Cruden Community Benefit Manager. They will jointly draw up a prioritised costed list of possible works, agreed at CC, for Cruden to present to Eildon. |
Update on Local Issues Raised with SBC: Slabs: CC thanked SBC for additional slabs under benches on the grassed area of The Green. Public toilet: The section of wall has not been painted. Removal of overhanging tree branches on High Street requested for road safety. SBC confirmed the land is owned by the Church, and after Roads checked for road safety issues, the Church has arranged for a tree surgeon to carry out remedial work. The Community Council have accepted the offer by the same Tree Surgeon, Raymond Hay, to donate his time to prune and reshape the overgrown tree beside The Glebe field entrance. SBC’s Tree Officer has agreed the work can be carried out. Repairs to broken pavement at West Summerfield requested. Councillor Parker has forwarded the information to officers. Action: SBC to paint part of the public toilet wall. Action: SBC to repair West Summerfield pavement Works Outstanding: July 2022Painting of white parking bay lines outside Pharmacy:Due to be included in the 2023/4 programme. Replacement street signs CC requested for Haughhead Road, Huntshaw, Mill Road, Jaynefield, Rodgers Place:They should be in place as a Small Scheme for 31 March. |
Winter Resilience/Cost of Living Crisis Marc is now liaising with the local NHS Health Visitor to provide safety equipment as needed. Item discharged until required. |
Reading Room Books Boxes checked and items retained that might sell in the future. Esellers are liaising directly with SBC on Jedburgh clearance. Item discharged until anything to report. |
Any Other BusinessCC noted the Jim Clark Rally will pass through Earlston twice on 28th May. |
Next meeting: Wednesday 5th April